SLSRC April General Meeting Program “The Thrill of Morse Code”
The April St. Louis & Suburban Radio Club general meeting will be held ON-LINE on the 24th of April at 6.45 pm. The program will...
St. Louis & Suburban Radio Club – W0SRC
St. Louis and Suburban Radio Club
The April St. Louis & Suburban Radio Club general meeting will be held ON-LINE on the 24th of April at 6.45 pm. The program will...
The March St. Louis & Suburban Radio Club general meeting will be held ON-LINE the 27th of March at 6:45 pm. The business meeting will...
The St. Louis & Suburban Radio Club general meeting will be held on the 28th of February. February’s program is “Three Miles Per Hour —...
The St. Louis & Suburban Radio Club general meeting will be held on the 17th of January. Remember that this meeting is a week early...
Kyle, AAØZ will present on the AREDN (Amateur Radio Emergency Data Network) system. AREDN is a communications system which uses ham radio frequencies to build...
This month’s program on Friday, October 25th is on the Missouri Repeater Council by Jeff Young KB3HF. Jeff Young holds an Amateur Extra license and...
This month’s program for the September 27th meeting is on Portable Operations by Joe Fleagle WØFY. Joe is currently one of our two Board “Members...
This week’s program for the August 23rd meeting is on Testing and Measurement Equipment by George Waddell (WØGRW). George has been an Amateur Radio operator...
The program for the SLSRC Meeting on July 26th is a presentation on “Ham Radio 2.0” by Ward Silver (NØAX). Ward is the Lead Editor...
The program for the SLSRC Meeting on May 24th will be a presentation on “The Electric Car in Your Future” by Norman Guittar. Norman has...