January General Meeting Program “Show and Tell”

The St. Louis & Suburban Radio Club general meeting will be held on the 17th of January. Remember that this meeting is a week early to accommodate our Winterfest hamfest on the 25th of January 

January’s program is “Show and Tell.” For the past few years, this program has given attendees insight into what their fellow amateur operators are working on. This year we are expanding our Show & Tell from DIY projects to include achievements. If you have received an award related to amateur radio, we would like to see it.

Take a look around your shack and think about projects you’ve completed or accomplishments you’ve achieved in the past year.  We would love to see them as it might spark ideas to other hams.

If you have a short presentation that you would like to share, please contact Bill Carroll (KC9CIK) at kc9cik@slsrc.org

General meeting info and location can be found at the following link https://slsrc.org/meeting-info/.

Missouri Baptist Hospital
Goldfarb School of Nursing
Rooms 419-420
7 PM