SLSRC’s Meeting & Program, Friday, November 22nd- Presenter, Kyle Krieg (AAØZ) on the AREDN (Amateur Radio Emergency Data Network)

Kyle, AAØZ will present on the AREDN (Amateur Radio Emergency Data Network) system.

AREDN is a communications system which uses ham radio frequencies to build out a mesh data network dedicated to Amateur Radio.  Amateur Radio operators can use the AREDN network to communicate via chat, VoIP, video, share files, etc. Any communication that is not encrypted is allowed over an AREDN network.  In times of disaster, an AREDN network can be used to relay information to EOC’s, hospitals, shelters and other points around the city without the use of the internet. AREDN networks can be deployed very quickly in times of need for very cheap.

 If you have a laptop, especially with a wired connection, bring it to the meeting to experience some of the services an AREDN network can provide!

Our meeting will be  at 7:00 PM located at the Goldfarb School of Nursing, Rooms 419 & 420, at Missouri Baptist Medical Center, 3005 North Ballas Road. It is centrally located at the intersection of I-270 and I-64/US-40. Take the Ballas Road exit from Highway I-64/US-40 or I-270 and travel south one block. Turn right to enter the campus.

Meeting information and directions can be found at the following website;