SLSRC August 25, 2023 Program & Meeting – ARRL Dave Propper K2DP
August 21, 2023… For the August meeting we will have a presentation by Dave Propper, K2DP, ARRL Programs and Services Committee Board Liaison, ARRL RF...
St. Louis & Suburban Radio Club – W0SRC
St. Louis and Suburban Radio Club
August 21, 2023… For the August meeting we will have a presentation by Dave Propper, K2DP, ARRL Programs and Services Committee Board Liaison, ARRL RF...
May 22, 2023… This month the meeting will be a little different. We will be amending our bylaws and articles, and there will be an...
April 24, 2023… Bill Carroll, KC9CIK – Bill has been a ham since 2002. His interests have been to participate in community service events communications...
January 16, 2023… Using DMR and someone else programmed your radio? Having trouble modifying your code plug? Questions on programming your DMR radio? George Schindler,...
October 25, 2022… Kyle AAØZ is an Amateur Extra radio operator who has been a past president of SLSRC and the committee chair for the...
September 20, 2022… We will be meeting in person at 7:00 PM September 23rd, in the Goldfarb School of Nursing at Missouri Baptist Hospital. The...
August 22, 2022… We will be meeting in person at 7:00 PM August 26th, in the Goldfarb School of Nursing at Missouri Baptist Hospital. The...
July 19, 2022… We will be meeting in person at 7:00PM July 22, in the Goldfarb School of Nursing. Masks will be required to enter...
May 23, 2022… Mark Hall, AEØME, will give a presentation describing the Amateur Radio Emergency Data Network’s capabilities and current plans for SLSRC and others...
April 20, 2022… This month’s program will be a last minute program to get you in the mindset of our FoxHunt on April 23rd. Joe...