SLSRC October 2022 Program and Meeting – Friday, October 28 @ 7:00 PM

October 25, 2022…

Kyle AAØZ is an Amateur Extra radio operator who has been a past president of SLSRC and the committee chair for the Website and Engineering Committee of SLSRC. Kyle has a passion for contesting, portable operating and is very active in POTA and SOTA activities. You can find Kyle all over the internet and watch him on his YouTube channel to learn about what he is doing in Amateur Radio. This month Kyle will be presenting on Node Red, a very basic programming language that anyone can learn to help connect all your devices in your ham shack.

Node-RED – Invented by IBM, Node Red is a programming tool for wiring appliances together like your washer to your dryer and the TV to the microwave. The amateur radio community has taken the Internet of Things one step further and started to connect ham radio devices together via serial, USB or Ethernet, all talking via Node Red.  Node Red is a web browser-based software tool that allows you to build real time command and control dashboards with automation for your ham shack.  Below is an example of what you can build in Node Red to control your ham shack.  

The meeting is on October 28th @ 7PM. General meeting info and location can be found at the following link  

Missouri Baptist Hospital
Goldfarb School of Nursing
Rooms 419-420