SLSRC October 27, 2023 Program & Meeting – “DB’s….DB’s, or how to save your finals”- Jay Underdown WØPS

This month’s meeting will feature a presentation by Jay Underdown WØPS “DB’s….DB’s, or how to save your finals” Jay was first licensed in 1958 as KN8LVR in Toledo, Ohio. He is now retired but served as the  President of Spectrum Resources Inc., a public safety communications consulting firm, for over 30 years. Jay is a Senior Member of the  Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), , a Senior Member and Charter Member of the National Assn. of Radio & Telecommunications Engineers, a  Fellow of the Radio Club of America, and a Life member of the Quarter Century Wireless Association (QCWA), with a 65 year certificate. He is also certified as a Private Pilot – Airplane with a  single engine and Instrument airplane rating, and a  Certified Ground Instructor-Advanced, Instrument Ground instructor. he is a holder of a FAA 50 year Master Pilot Award

Previous calls are: K8LVR, W9LWV, WØOGS

XYL is WBØJET, Oldest Harmonic, NØGOM, His XYL NØVXK, His Harmonic (my second harmonic) WØMST.

His younger harmonic KBØDYP. Father, K8RGK(SK)

The meeting is on October 27th @ 7PM. General meeting info and location can be found at the following link:  

Missouri Baptist Hospital 

Goldfarb School of Nursing

Rooms 419-420

7 PM