SLSRC & SCARC Team Up for Local 6M FT8 & 2M FM

The SLSRC (WØSRC) and St. Charles Amateur Radio Club (KOØA) are partnering to encourage operation on 6 meter FT8 (50.313 MHz) and 2 meter FM (146.52 and 146.55) by Techs and new hams.  A dipole or halo antenna should suffice on 6 meters (use horizontal polarization, please) and the WSJT-X software to run FT8 is available at  

Remember that if there are lots of strong signals on FT8, the band is no doubt open for SSB and CW contacts at a much faster rate – give those frequencies (50.125 SSB, around 50.095 CW) a try.  On 2 meter FM, the prohibition on using the calling frequency, 146.52 MHz was dropped years ago – let’s make the frequency busy once again! Working stations on 2 meter FM simplex is good practice for emergency communications and fun to see just how far a mobile rig and a vertical can reach.  These are also good for GOTA operation. We hope to hear and log you during Field Day next weekend!

If you are a new ham, Field Day is a great opportunity to get on the air.  You don’t have to hold a license to operate at Field Day, as there will be plenty of control operators present at the radios.  If you can’t get out to SLSRC or SCARC’s Field Day, use the link below to find a Field Day near you and get on the air!