The next monthly meeting of the SLSRC will be held July 26 at 7:00 p.m. Our speaker will be Andrew “Jim” Danielson, AC9EZ,who is a Junior at Purdue University Fort Wayne studying Music & an Outside Field. His academic pursuits include researching wildlife telemetry technology, the amateur radio service, and historical musical performance techniques.
His presentation is titled Wildlife Telemetry and the Amateur Radio Service: How Amateur Radio Techniques and Training Can Help Serve the Needs of the Biological Science. He will show how the amateur radio service, with its practice of self-training and regulation, has had an exemplary history of contributing to the technological life of communities around the globe. From satellite technology to digital modulation techniques, amateur radio operators continue to contribute to the technological pursuits of the 21st century.
One aspect of the sciences to which the amateur radio service can contribute is the field of wildlife telemetry. Since the 1950s, research scientists have used wildlife telemetry to monitor and identify the locations of animals across the globe. However, wildlife telemetry equipment can be expensive. Current field research techniques have not matched the development of Software Defined Radios (SDRs).
In this presentation, Jim Danielson, AC9EZ, will provide some insight into how techniques and training common to amateur radio communications can help improve the field of wildlife telemetry. Topics discussed in the presentation will include the usage of 4nec2 antenna design software, common SDRs like the RSPduo and Airspy R2, and the intersection of radio direction finding with wildlife telemetry.
The SLSRC monthly meetings are held at the Goldfarb School of Nursing at Missouri Baptist Medical Center, 3005 North Ballas Road, Rooms 419 & 420. See the club website for more location information;
We hope to see you there.