SLSRC’s March 22nd Meeting & Program

The program for our SLSRC Meeting on March 22nd will be SPACE: How We Get There, What We Do Around Earth, How We Can Talk Through A CubeSat Repeater and How We Will Become An Interplanetary Species (MARS). This topic will be presented by Thomas Dougherty (NØTJD). Tom has been a General class amateur radio operator since 2014. Tom is an AMSAT-NA Ambassador and has given multiple presentations on the topic. He has successfully completed one ARISS (International Space Station) contact and is scheduled to do another contact in the Fall of this year with Woodridge Middle School. Tom is also working on building a CubeSat Simulator.

The program Tom will be presenting will include how the CubeSat has changed communicating to Space and a demonstration of an ARROW antenna with an HT transceiver to contact a CubeSat repeater. Tom will explain how an ARISS contact is made and the purpose of this educational program. Finally, we will hear an idea for colonizing Mars.

I encourage you to attend our March 22nd meeting and take an opportunity to listen to NØTJD’s insight and knowledge of Amateur Radio and Space. Our meeting will be March 22nd at 7:00 PM located at the Goldfarb School of Nursing, Rooms 419 & 420,  at Missouri Baptist Medical Center, 3005 North Ballas Road.   It is centrally located at the intersection of I-270 and I-64/US-40. Take the Ballas Road exit from Highway I-64/US-40 or I-270 and travel south one block. Turn right to enter the campus.

Visit for more meeting info.