by Bill Carroll, KC9CIK
President, SLSRC
The St. Louis and Suburban Radio Club’s 2018 Field Day is now in the books. This was a great Field Day at a beautiful location with some great weather!
There are so many people within the club to thank for the outcome of this event that I do not feel I can give them the justice they deserve by listing them here. I just want everyone to know I really am privileged to have friends and fellow hams of the caliber you all are. The energy and skill that you put into the hobby is not lost. Several people made comment on how much they loved our site and our activities. I know for a fact that other Field Day locations referred new people to our site to enjoy the friendliness of our group, and the ability to show how our hobby is a great public service along with a fun hobby in so many ways.
For the past several years, our club has been more about the social aspect of Field Day over the competition side. I feel that new hams and visitors were comfortable in coming to our site to get information about amateur radio, and to have an opportunity to get on the air. Thank you to all our members that took someone under their wing and exposed them to the hobby. You have done a great service to the amateur radio community!
While being social tends to be our focus, we still were active in the contest side of Field Day. I am looking forward to the scoring results of our contest, and a big thanks to the night shift who did a lot to add points to our score. I can not say thank you enough to our members for what they have done for our club.
Thank you from a very humble President.