General Meeting Info

St. Louis and Suburban Radio Club normally* conducts the monthly club meeting at the Missouri Baptist Hospital – Clinical Learning Institute (AKA: Goldfarb School of Nursing) located on the campus of Missouri Baptist Medical Center in Town & Country, Missouri on the 4th Friday of the month.  Back to Basics classes and Mentoring Workshops are normally held the 1st Friday of the month.

Missouri Baptist Hospital – Clinical Learning Institute
AKA: Goldfarb School of Nursing
3005 North Ballas Road, is centrally located at the intersection of I-270 and I-64/US-40. Take the Ballas Road exit from Highway I-64/US-40 or I-270, and travel south one block. Turn right to enter the campus.

Our meetings are held in Rooms 419 & 420 of the Clinical Learning Institute. The Institute is located on the 4th floor of the main parking garage. Park in the main parking structure and take the elevator to the 4th floor. Turn right out of the elevator and enter through the glass doors. If the guard is at the desk, inform him you are there for the ham radio meeting, otherwise continue straight past the reception desk and bathrooms. The meeting rooms are located directly in front of you.

*Goldfarb School of Nursing is now known as:

Missouri Baptist Hospital 
Clinical Learning Institute

Missouri Baptist Maps can be found here.

Meetings begin at 7:00pm CST/CDT, and are usually over by 9:00pm.

Check out our event calendar for more details about meeting topics.

* The ARRL Field Day event is always the fourth full weekend in June.  The November meeting is held the weekend before Thanksgiving and our December meeting is held in conjunction with the Holiday Party.

The monthly presentations are generally uploaded to our YouTube channel after the general meeting.  Our club YouTube page can be found at the below link.

Page updated January 2025.