SLSRC April 23rd Meeting and Program: Bob Heil (K9EID) – How Amateur Radio Shaped Bob Heil
April 21, 2021… The program for the April 23rd meeting will be presented by Bob Heil (K9EID). Bob is a sound and radio engineer most...
St. Louis & Suburban Radio Club – W0SRC
St. Louis and Suburban Radio Club
April 21, 2021… The program for the April 23rd meeting will be presented by Bob Heil (K9EID). Bob is a sound and radio engineer most...
March 22, 2021… The program for the March 26th meeting will be “The End-Fed Half-Wave (EFHW) Has Become A Very Popular Antenna Lately – But...
February 23, 2021… The program for the February 26th meeting will be presented by FIRST Tech Challenge. FIRST Tech Challenge students learn to think like...
January 11, 2021… The program for the January 22nd meeting is “Amateur Radio: Some Thoughts” by Art Zygielbaum, KØAIZ. Art Zygielbaum, KØAIZ, retired in 2017...
November 16, 2020…. The program for the November 20th meeting is on “IARU Region 2 Liaison for Youth” by Sterling Mann, NØSSC. Sterling is a...
October 19, 2020…. The program for the October 23rd meeting is on “The Search for Amelia Earhart’s Airplane” by Rod Blocksome, KØDAS. Rod, KØDAS was...
September 22, 2020…. The program for the September 25th meeting is on “The Challenges of Moving, Ham Style” by Peter Brisbine NM5PB. Peter/NM5PB (previously NØMTH)...
August 25, 2020…. The program for the August 28th meeting is on “Tools of Amateur Radio Trade” by George Waddell (WØGRW). George has been an...
July 22, 2020…. The July St. Louis & Suburban Radio Club general meeting will be held ON-LINE on the 24th of July at 7:00 pm,...
The May St. Louis & Suburban Radio Club general meeting will be held ON-LINE on the 22nd of May at 6:45 pm. The program will...