Missouri QSO Party Reminder
The Missouri QSO party is less than 4 weeks away, April 5th and 6th, and we want you to participate. The goal this year is...
St. Louis & Suburban Radio Club – W0SRC
St. Louis and Suburban Radio Club
The Missouri QSO party is less than 4 weeks away, April 5th and 6th, and we want you to participate. The goal this year is...
SLSRC congratulates the following new General License upgrades from its March Class: Adam Bier KFØIORAllan Taylor NØZOMDale Beachy KFØSNFDouglas Funderburk KFØPYJFrank Bier KEØQZGJordan Nykiel KFØRXBMel...
For the February SLSRC meeting, Travis Few, N9EOD, will be presenting on tracking radiosondes used by the National Weather Service and others for weather observations....
SLSRC has scheduled a General License Class for the weekend of March 1-2. This is the next level up from Technician and you must have...
What is new and/or exciting in your radio world? Your fellow amateur radio enthusiasts want to know. Come show us what you’re doing and tell...
Winterfest is proud to announce that the W9DYV Radio Symposium is back for 2025 on January 17. This symposium do we have a schedule we...
Winterfest 35 is quickly approaching, on January 18, 2025. This event is the primary fundraiser for the St. Louis and Suburban Radio Club, which helps...
Great news!! The St Louis and Suburban Radio Club is hosting the 35th anniversary of Winterfest January 18, 2025 in Collinsville, IL. Tickets are on...
The St. Louis and Suburban Radio Club continues its 2025 membership drive, and all licensed amateur radio operators are invited to join us in support...
For the November SLSRC meeting, Joe Fleagle, WØFY will discuss Digital DXing. Digital DXing involves receiving and identifying distant radio or television signals, or making...