AllStar Network & SLSRC Node Information

SLSRC maintains two public AllStar nodes, 49485 and 40105. You can find a list of active nodes around the world here

AllStar Node 49485 acts like a DMR talk group or an Wires-X room. Anybody connected to node 49485 can hear anybody else talking that is connected to that node. It is not associated with any repeater in the St. Louis area. It just resides on the internet.

AllStar Node 40105 is the public facing node to the 146.850 repeater in St. Louis and also runs Echolink for the St. Louis & Suburban Radio Club.

SLSRC also has private nodes to link repeaters together via our wireless linked repeater network across the city.

How to access the AllStar network

How To Build an AllStar Node

A basic AllStar node consists of the same equipment.

  1. Raspberry Pi
  2. AllStar Account
  3. URI device with connectors or SHARI device
  4. Radio with power supply with antenna (optional if using an SHARI device)

Let’s get started.

  1. Raspberry Pi

Any Raspberry Pi (3 B+ or 4 and no Pi Zero’s) made the last 3 to 4 years will do. You will also need a power supply, SD card (8GB or greater) , case & HDMI cable. You can purchase all of these items on Amazon or Microcenter (if in St. Louis). If you decide to purchase a Pi 4, you will only need the cheapest Pi 4 at $35. We are going to assume you have a monitor to hook the Pi up to.

Head over to the AllStar sign up page and register for an account.